Rural Based Incentives

As a student, making the decision of what speciality you’d like to practice is hard enough. How about determining where you want to live while you progress through your career? At times, this can completely change what your scope of practice would entail.

Have you ever considered working in a rural community? If so, this is the article for you. My hope is to outline for you the additional forms of compensation available to practicing rural physicians.

You will create your own pros/cons list of moving to a small town. But I want to make sure you have every factor accounted for when making that decision; specifically the financial benefit. If you have any questions regarding the programs highlighted below, don’t be shy to reach out. We will find your answer together.

RSA communities = any town/city under the Rural Practice Subsidiary Agreement (RSA). Graded from A to D based on isolation points.

Download List of RSA Communities

Recruitment Incentive Fund (RIF)

  • recruitment incentives are offered to physicians who begin practicing in communities with current or pending vacancies.

  • paid out in the form of a lump-sum payment when the position is filled

  • incentive amounts vary based on location and will be pro-rated if working less than full time or subtracted if you leave the community in less than 1 year.

    • A communities = $20,000

    • B communities = $15,000

    • C communities = $10,000

    • D communities = $5,000

Eligibility (directly from RCCBC website)

  • any physician recruited to fill a vacancy or pending vacancy in a RSA community

  • physician must be recruited from outside an eligible RSA community

Rural Retention Program (RRP)

  • provides lump-sum payment and/or fee premiums to physicians working in communities highlighted under the Rural Subsidiary Agreement (RSA)

  • the specific RRP payment is determined by “isolation points” assigned to the community of interest.

  • isolation points are based on 7 factors;

    • number of designated specialties within 70km

    • number of GPs within 35km

    • community size

    • distance from major medical community

    • degree of latitude

    • location arc

    • RSA speciallist centre

Eligibility (directly from RCCBC website)

  • physicians must reside and practice in an eligible RSA community for at least 9 months per year

  • physicians must bill equal to or greater than $65,000 in the previous calendar year.

Recruitment Contingency Fund (RCF)

  • established to help RSA communities with recruiting when filling a role has been difficult or has become extremely timely with regard to delivering medical care in that community.

  • funds use to cover relocation expenses for physicians moving to the RSA community in need.

Eligibility (directly from RCCBC website)

  • physicians recruited to fill a vacancy or pending vacancy in an RSA community

  • physicians must be recruited from outside an RSA community

Rural Continuing Medical Education (RCME)

  • provides funds for physicians to participate in medical education specific to updating and enhancing skills required for rural practice.

  • funds may be used to;

    • cover overhead expenses while attending training

    • purchase new technology or upgrades necessary for participation in continuing medical education

  • physicians may;

    • transfer unspent funds to another health authority when relocating to another RSA community

    • bank RCME funds for up to 3 years from the year it was earned

  • allowances dependent on designation of community and length of time practiced in that community

Eligibility (directly from RCCBC website)

  • physician must reside and practice in an eligible RSA community for a minimum of 9 month per year

  • a physician who qualifies for RCME, who does not stay in a community covered by this agreement for a minimum of 12 months, is eligible for a pro-rated amount

Rural Emergency Enhancement Fund (REEF)

  • intended to conserve physician staffing in emergency services in health authority designated ER departments in rural BC

  • annual funding of up to $200,000 that is split upon providers who split the workload to have 24/7/365 public access to hospital emergency services

  • maximum any one physician any receive under REEF is $65,000 per year

Eligibility (directly from RCCBC website)

  • applies to fee-for-service physicians supporting health authority (HA) designated EDs in RSA communities

  • RDs and hours of public access must be formally recognized and supported by the HA

  • physicians must sign the plan on an annual basis


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